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Advanced Computer Systems

High Performance Information Technology Solutions    

Backup and Restore Solutions

The primary and most important component of data protection solution is a reliable backup/restore process. The backup processes need to be carefully designed and implemented to assure all the essential data is protected.

The speed, reliability, and availability of restore process is more important than how fast backups are made. A high performance and reliable restoring process is the main factor of having your business data back on line as fast as possible.

Off-site backup of your data is also critical for your business protection. There are many risk factor that can limit the access to your site or damaged physical equipment such as Earth quicks, fire, flood, man-made disasters and sabotage of the equipment. External backup copies or a cloud based backup solution is critical to mediate these risks. External backup solution is an important part a disaster recovery plan.

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Some of the conciderations for setting  a backup/restore system

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